Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Quick Word on Customer Service

Okay, I'm not one of those people who thrives on demanding excellent customer service at all times. You've met these people, right? The people who give customer service representatives all of about 30 seconds to appease them before asking for their manager. I am not that guy.

I am more inclined to notice excellent service than I am to demean someone for poor service. I'm blogging on this topic today because I had an interesting experience last night. My wife and I and another couple met for dinner at a nice Japanese steak house. Our waitress did a great job, but something she did started to become obnoxious - dare I say it basically turned into a joke for us. She would ask to refill our waters after approximately 3-4 sips... ALL NIGHT LONG!!!

Now, until last night, I would've said that I prefer that over having an empty glass all night. However, I'm just not sure now! Do you have an opinion or a story about customer service?

A good friend of mine (and my boss) has a blog that covers this specific topic. You should check it out if you are in a customer service field or if you're just interested. Visit

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays

Okay, quick question... Do you say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays?" And a follow-up question if you are so inclined... Do you have a specific reason?

Here's my deal: I am a devout Christ-follower. So, this time of year carries a lot more weight than just the gifts, the "holiday season", etc. However, let's leave religiosity out of it. Christmas is a holiday because of Christ's birth. Whether you follow Him or not, that is the history and purpose. In my mind, saying "Merry Christmas" doesn't say anything about your religious state.

If you say "Happy Holidays," I'm not mad at ya. It just drives me nuts when people jump on the wagon of this and other issues like it. If you can't say "Merry Christmas" or if you buy "Holiday Trees" because of your religious views then I have to tell you that you're screwed in lots of other areas. You can't buy a calendar again... chances are December 25th says "Christmas" or "Christmas Day." Oh, and surely you don't take Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day off of work. Then your boycott on the "sayings" wouldn't hold any water.

I'm just saying that regardless of your spiritual/religious values, it's Christmas! If you want to boycott the fact that it has the word "Christ" in it, then go all the way!!! Work all day on the 24th and 25th... by yourself. Don't give or receive any gifts.

By the way, I'm going to start saying "Happy Summer Holiday" for July 4th. I don't want to be put in a box. We moved over here from England to celebrate freedom... not to have things forced upon us... like what I should call a holiday or the greeting I should say in celebration of said holiday. Now, isn't that stupid???

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Blog

So, this is my blog. I tried this once before and failed miserably. People tend to quit checking when you post every 4-9 months. Anyway, thanks for visiting. My goal is to post 4-5 times a week. Just keep coming back!!!

The Santa Redo

I hate polarizing my audience, but unfortunately this post may only make sense to those of you with kids. We have three kids. As they continue to get older, we have had to implement the "Santa Redo." Let me explain...

Somewhere around the Thanksgiving season, we'll make the trek to the mall to visit Santa. In years past we had it all planned out... "Okay, you're gonna ask Santa for the My Baby Pees doll, right?" And that is precisely what they would ask for. However, last year we had a major disruption in Operation: Sit on Santa's Lap. Our son and daughter veered from the laid-out plan. As I was standing at the counter trying to convince the "Elf Photographers" that I didn't know we couldn't take pictures with our personal camera equipment... we were informed by our children that they had asked Santa for a Wii. Crap!!! That is definitely NOT in the budget!!!

So, starting with the Christmas of 2007, we have implemented the Santa Redo. The Santa Redo is when we visit Santa a second time a little closer to Christmas to give him the "Final Answer." But here is the vital part of the plan... in the weeks between Visit 1 and the Final Answer visit, you must devise a story of epic-Christmas-lore proportions. Here's how it went last year: "Bad news... I just talked to Santa. He and the Elves didn't make enough Wii's this year. You can't even find one in the stores to buy - which thankfully was true. You're gonna have to go back and ask him for something else you really want... like Silly Putty or something."

That is the Santa Redo... luckily, the Wii shortage of 2007 saved us. So far this year, I think we're okay... but we have the Santa Redo in our back pocket should we need it.